2 Thinking That Will Change Your Life
Having choices and making decisions are 2 most important aspects in life. They can have dramatic impact on our experiences and how our lives pan out. So let me ask you: do you react to an opportunity by thinking ‘why’? or do you think ‘why not’? it does not seem it, but adding the 3-letter word after makes a world of difference.
If you start with ‘why?’, you are searching for reasons to act. The mind starts tallying if it is worth the time, effort and what can be gotten out of it. Without justifiable reasons, the decision will be status quo, ie do nothing. Let it pass.
It is easier not to change – be it a habit, job, relationship or situation. To cruise on, doing the same enchilada day in day out, following the same pattern and path of least resistance is the easiest. Even if it may not be in your best interest. It is familiar and familiarity breeds comfort. It is human nature to stick with what we know. No surprises.
In other words, inertia is the default mode. This is the curse of inertia. Things cannot change by themselves, a force (external or internal) is necessary to cause a change. Force needs energy, effort.

Inertia keeps us from trying new things, or do what we do differently. It confines us to a tunnel vision. When we respond to new opportunities with ‘why?’, it is limiting. Because it is restricted by what we know (don’t know how this will turn out), previous experiences (never done this before), social norms (no one else is doing it), personal circumstance (no time to research) and biases (if it ain’t broke…) This is akin to looking for what you want, when avoiding what you don’t want opens up more pathways.
Why Not?
On the other hand, responding with ‘why not?’ opens up our minds. We let the seeds of possibilities germinate. Unless there are reasons against, we would go for it. Hence the de facto outcome is to act on it, give it a try. It urges us to explore, discover, imagine, try new things and possibilities. Aren’t these inspiring words…and wonderful ways to live life?
When we think ‘why not?’, the situation becomes expansionary and liberating. It creates a mindset to scan the broader horizon. For until we try it, how do we know whether it works? How do we know if we would like it? How do we know if it is not better? There is no other way of finding out except to try it. ‘Why not?’ is like a dare, egging us on to new adventures and experiences. In that process, we push our personal boundaries.

Why Not Now?
The 2nd thinking that will dramatically change your life – ‘why not now?’. I was struck when I read the guiding life motto of recently crowned Ms Universe Bonney Gabriel, the first ever Filipino-American winner: ‘If not now, then when?’
“It’s not tomorrow, it’s not yesterday – but it’s now. The time is now.”~ Bonney Gabriel, 71st Ms Universe
Making decision is only first half of the equation. Executing and following through is the more essential nextstep. Action is the manifestation of a decision. To paraphrase the famous saying by Thomas Edison: Strategy Decision without execution is hallucination.
Without action, the decision remains in our head, an abstract. After the deliberation to reach a decision, so many people let it fizzle out by procrastinating the action. Or worse, some don’t take action at all. Be it to loose weight, quit smoking, save for retirement, change job…the essence is to act as soon as practical after necessary preparatory steps.
Face it. There will always be other urgent things needing attention or something else more fun to do. Don’t let urgent overcome important. Life’s path is strewn with many shiny objects that are simply detractors to throw you off your path.
Now Is The Moment
Procrastinating is letting what we want slip away, through lack of will. We are the youngest we will ever be today. So now is the moment of possibility and make changes for the better. Time is the bedrock of society and the backbone of our lives. Not seizing time and opportunity is to waste our greatest gift.

During the Asian financial crisis, I was in a budding career at a US Fortune 500 MNC when a chance to work for a small start-up in Australia popped up, in a totally different industry. Though unplanned and not in my line of experience, I accepted the challenge after 3 days of contemplation. I figured if it didn’t work out, I was still young (then) and could always go back and restart my career in the familiar industry. If I let the opportunity slip, it may never present itself again. Besides, Australia is such an awesome destination!
Looking back, that stint counts as 1 of my best experiences, enabling my life to fork out in unexpected ways. Wonderful new opportunities came thereafter and my life became so much richer for it. Sure, it pushed my personal boundaries working in a foreign country in a totally new industry, but I grew because of it. It gave me the wings to soar later in my career.

If you believe in YOLO, then let ‘why not?’ be your mantra. Maximising life’s experiences is to explore and do different things, even if unplanned. This will help you grow as a person, expanding your horizon and mindset, making life more fascinating.
So when next presented with an opportunity, let the conversation in your head be led by ‘why not’ and ‘why not now?’. Once you start adopting these 2 thinking, your reaction will be different. Then watch your life change and take off in ways you never could imagine.
Carpe diem!
Taste life to the fullest…why not?
Savvy Maverick
(Main image: Qui Nguyen, Unsplash)
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are drawn from my own experiences and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published here constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content be relied upon for any investment activities. It is strongly recommended that independent and thorough research be undertaken before making any financial decisions, including consulting a qualified professional. Data/information cited from credited source are correct at date of publication and will not be updated thereafter.
2 thoughts
Again, a very pleasant read. 🌺
Thank you, Ronald. Hope these 2 thinking open up new possibilities and adventures for your life like they have mine!