Gateway to Chinatown with lanterns and Chinese ornaments.

A Tradition For All Times And Seasons

With less than 2 weeks to go, Chinese around the world are getting ready to usher in the Year of the Dragon in style. Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival in some parts of the world, is the most important traditional festival in Chinese culture. And amongst the most practiced habits is spring cleaning, which is steep in cultural and symbolic traditions.

Spring Cleaning and CNY 

Spring cleaning is symbolic of sweeping away the old to make way for the new. It removes bad luck and negative energy to create a clean slate for the new year. Spring cleaning is a way to invite good luck and prosperity into the home.

According to Feng Shui, spring cleaning harmonises the environment and improves flow to promote positive energy and balance in the living space. As a Chinese, I dutifully follow this tradition, even when living overseas. Through the years, I’ve come to appreciate its benefits beyond ushering in a new year and good energy. It is a winsome mentality for retirement.

A cosy corner with LED-lit wood panel wall and plants.
An uncluttered space promotes harmony and balance. (Image: Savvy Maverick)

A Tradition For All Tims

For most people, retirement is a phase to enjoy more leisure, relaxation and personal pursuits. A phase that comes with a shift in priorities, living arrangements and daily routines. Regular spring cleaning can greatly enhance this transition and the retirement experience. While spring cleaning is beneficial for people of all ages, its advantages take on a special meaning in retirement. 

  • Take Stock: Regular spring cleaning helps to reduce stress associated with clutter. Besides visually overwhelming, clutter is also mentally draining, causing a sense of disarray. Spring cleaning promotes a sense of calm and serenity, resulting in heightened sense of control. You may even unearth things of value that are buried and long forgotten.

Take for example a friend’s father, who found share certificates issued in 1979 from a local bank while sieving through belongings when spring cleaning. The certificates are yellow with age but well preserved in sealed plastic sleeves. The certificates are numbered, listing shareholder name, number of shares and signed officially. An authenticity check came out positive and it is currently being assessed for value, including accrued dividends.

Photo of a share certificate issued in 1979.
A friend’s father uncovered a pleasant surprise while spring cleaning. (Image courtesy of M)
  • Efficient Daily Living: A decluttered living space makes daily activities more efficient and enjoyable. It becomes easier to locate items, manage daily chores and maintain a comfortable and functional lifestyle. You can spend time on activities instead of constantly trying to locate possessions in a mess. Locating possessions is not just for occupants but also for those who may need to access material during emergencies or for will administration.


  • Downsizing and Simplification: Many choose to downsize their living arrangements in retirement, either by moving to a smaller home or by decluttering current space. Spring cleaning is a critical step in this downsizing process, as it helps to make informed decisions about what to keep and what to let go. Although an emotional process, it is liberating and leads to a more manageable living situation.


  • Financial Benefits: Regular spring cleaning means that items that are no longer needed or used can be sold, donated or gifted, providing extra income or space. A clutter-free home can reduce the chance of purchasing duplicate items because it’s easier to keep track of what you already have, resulting in cost savings over time.


  • Mental and Emotional Well-being: The mental and emotional benefits from spring cleaning cannot be overstated. A cluttered living space can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and anxiety. Decluttering creates a positive living atmosphere, promoting mental clarity and emotional serenity.


  • Bucket List Goals: Retirement is when most of us aim to fulfil long-held dreams and aspirations. And you should not save bucket list items for last as later may not happen. By clearing physical and mental clutter, we make room for new experiences, hobbies, and adventures. Whether it’s traveling, taking up a new hobby or embarking on passion projects, decluttering frees up time, space and mental energy to pursue bucket list goals.
Eiffel Tower on a wintry day in Paris.
Declutter to free up time and space for bucket list goals. (Image: Savvy Maverick)
  • Enhanced Social Life: To enjoy retirement is to place a premium on spending time with family and friends. A clutter-free home is more inviting and conducive to hosting gatherings and social activities, encouraging social connections and fostering a heightened sense of hospitality.


  • Preservation of Memories: Over a lifetime, we accumulate a vast collection of photographs, artefacts and mementos with sentimental value. Regular spring cleaning allows for careful curation and preservation of these cherished memories. It’s an opportunity to revisit old photographs and memorabilia, reminisce about life’s adventures and pass down meaningful items to future generations. Spring cleaning creates an organised system for treasured keepsakes.


  • Environmental Responsibility: Decluttering aligns with the concept of reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices. Dispose of items no longer needed responsibly by recycling or repurposing. This contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.


  • Legacy Planning: Without doubt, regular spring-cleaning is a great way for legacy planning. By decluttering and organising belongings, we simplify the process of estate planning by clearly identifying and documenting wishes about our personal possessions and heirlooms. 

Physical and Head Space

Spring cleaning is not just a practical chore; it’s a meaningful and beneficial activity that improves our physical, as well as head space. It aligns with the desire for a simpler, safer and more fulfilling lifestyle. By reducing stress, enhancing safety and promoting efficiency, spring cleaning sets the stage for full enjoyment and the pursuit of living with clarity and peace of mind. Not only when Chinese New Year rolls around but a mentality for all times and seasons.

Colourful Chinese lanterns handing on a ceiling.
Festivity of Chinese New Year is in the air. (Image: Savvy Maverick)


Wishing you a healthy, happy and harmonious Year of The Dragon – Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Savvy Maverick


(Main image: Hulki Okan Tabak, Unsplash)


Disclaimer: The views expressed are drawn from personal experiences and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published here constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content be relied upon for investment activities. Please seek independent and thorough research before making any financial decisions, including consulting a qualified professional. Data and information cited from sources will not be updated after publication. 



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